You have 14 days from receipt of goods to return it for a full refund. The goods must be returned in an original package. Your refund will be issued using your original payment method. Please contact our Customer Services team via the Contact Us form with return reason to process your return.
The following items are non-refundable, and only able to be exchanged if deemed faulty or not as described:
Your statutory rights will not be affected.
If you apply any discount on your order, the refund amount will be the price you pay after the deduction. We aim to process refunds and exchanges within 10 working days on receipt of your package, however this may vary during our busy periods. Please ensure you obtain proof of postage from your post provider and retain it until after you are refunded. You will receive an email once your refund or exchange has been processed. Once processed, it can take up to 40 days for the money to return to your account.
Products that are being returned must be in their original condition and packaging where possible. Some products are not eligible for a return - more information can be found further down this page. Exchanges can only be processed for items of the same monetary value.
Please note, return shipping costs will not be refunded, and any new orders will be charged additional shipping and taxes.
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By clicking ‘proceed,’ you agree to Wizarding World Digital LLC sharing your name, email address, birth month, birth day, house, and wand information with us for purposes of providing services to you, personalizing your experience on the store, and providing you with Fan Club discounts, if applicable.
In order to unlink your Harry Potter Fan Club account from the Harry Potter Shop, please contact us.
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